Dedicated to all granny midwives worldwide who gave us this torch to carry, with great humility we carry it remembering a great warrior, Winnie Madikizela- Mandela, in her words, “To those who oppose us, we say, “strike the woman and you strike the rock.” Rise UP you Mighty Black and Brown MidwivesMammaPrimitiva Traditional Community Birth Worker Council
Traditional Community Birth Worker Council (TCBW) preserves and protects cultural/indigenous sovereignty including Traditional Midwifes, Indigenous Practitioners, Traditional Community Birth Workers as we continue to carry the knowledge and exercise our self-determination to protect our rites/rights. This council shares cultural practices and knowledge from our families and cultural/ indigenous traditions passed down orally, preserving the accountability of TCWB. The council has responsibility to teach and protect birthing traditions, protect our food, medicinal plants, water and land and fights for our rights to govern ourselves and uphold the legacy of our elders. We are committed to carrying the torch and bringing in the next generations of TMIP. We promote these efforts as a world concept to protect our children and all life.We are grateful that ACNM Truth and Reconciliation statement has defined who we are and started this healing process of our continued persecution of Traditional Midwives historically.
Mission Statement
To preserve Traditional Community Birth Workers as we continue to use ancestral wisdom to preserves birth, food, land and cultural sovereignty. Each woman and family have a central role in all aspects of her ceremony of birth and relevant diverse healthcare options throughout life. Traditional Community Midwives Birth Workers do not use legend drugs or ultrasound in the birthing process. Our Core Competencies define that we do not practice medicine but rather have kept our ancestral ways of birth alive in the MammaPrimitiva Pathways of Traditional Birth in and practicing Traditional Midwives worldwide. We are still here. Our Council represents Traditional Community Birth Workers Worldwide. We encourage all to read the ACNM Truth and Reconciliation PDF attached , we are grateful.
ACNM truth reconciliation statement pdf
Traditional Midwife Definition
Traditional Midwifery holds the responsibility and accountability for our ancestors. Our direct-entry routes protect and guides the expecting mother and baby in the perinatal time. We honor birth as the first ceremony of life, holding long standing traditions connected to the forces of nature and spirit to help bring life into this world. The traditional midwife guides the mother and baby, who is an ancestor coming back and well aware of how to birth. Traditional Midwives show who their lineage as a Traditional Midwife or the lineage of the midwife who taught them. Traditional Midwives are obligated to keep birth, the first ceremony of life, passed on to them strongly rooted in our ways. Our ways are taught to the mother and TCBW in the direct route of entry that our ancestors held, connected to the natural cycles of nature and our medicines. Accountability and responsibility are an essential part of a traditional midwife’s work during the reproductive period, assuring the safest delivery for baby/mother and lifetime health.
We invite, embrace and hold space for those who are on the pathway to true Traditional Midwifery.This program's principles are based on giving to communities and not taking others' ancestral practices home with you, rather learning to connect to your roots and learn to take care of mama and baby without using drugs/ultrasounds/tape measures and medical ways. It is a program that teaches the importance of clean water, clean land and giving not taking away their ways. For example in Africa 90% of the land is in Afrikaners possession and they are 10% of the peoples. All colors of peoples are now buying up the land which it is almost impossible for the native peoples there to beable to obtain. MammaPrimitiva has a course and oral exam for those who are actively in the process of releasing practices which are known to be harmful to mother, babies and families. We serve as a stepping stone for those who are ready to fully connect with their ancestral lineage, and seek to protect and preserve Traditional Wisdom, Herbal Knowledge and Intuitive Motherwit as a Way of Life and our Birth Rite/right.